Monday, February 2, 2009


A dangerous disease: Schizophrenia

One kind of mental illness like faulty reality sense, disharmony n inappropriateness of thinking n feeling or split thinking and some cases hallucinations n delusions. In followings, there’s some signs n symptoms of schizophrenia.
A. Associative Disturbance: The logical associations which normally lead from one thought to another appear loosened. The result is that thinking appears bizarre, illogical and chaotic.
B. Autism: It is like daydreams and fantasies even sometimes hallucinations n delusions. And day by day relationship with relatives is become broken.
C. Affective Incongruity: Mood is often inconsistent or exaggerated. The affective disturbance may include indifference, shallowness,constiction,flatness or blunted affect.
d.Ambivalence: With his friends n relatives, he always wants to show contradictory feelings, attitudes, wishes or ideas.

A. Hallucinations: May be patient hear God's voice, Mohammad (s) voice and any other person's voice, may see angels or someone else , tactile like crawling ants, cockroach or spider etc, taste something(most of cases bad smell) etc.
B. Delusions: A false belief which is inappropriate to the patient’s educational or social background n that is logical contradictory evidence.
C. Illusion: Misinterpretation of actual events. Like a spot on the ceiling is thought to be a spider.
D. Ideas of Reference: sometimes patient says something with confidentially with reference but actually it is not. but he or she beliefs it.
E. Negativism: Patient wants to do opposite things like if he is asked not to open TV today, he will do on that time.
F. Automatism : Patient feels what he or she is doing , that is not he or she, someone else. Actions are done without patient's conscious knowledge.
G. Echolalia: Coping of another person's speech.
H. Echophrasia : Repetitions of another's movement;
I. Impulsiveness: Something done unexpectedly without considering of the whole personality. Like nude etc.

As schizophrenia is a completely unrecovered disease, and day by day patient becomes worse and little bit difficult to find out , so any one recognise the symptoms to someone, please take him to psychiatric.

1 comment:

  1. It is a fantastic article. But after reading it , I feel I am also a schizophrenia patient.
    Best of luck.
