Wednesday, February 25, 2009

So Called Scientific Creationism

Source: Mukto-mona

Despite the overwhelming evidences showing that life on earth has evolved gradually over millions of years, there are still many people who do not accept theory of evolution. In the United States of America, for example, about a quarter of the population still believe in the literal truth of the creation story told in the book of Genesis.

Some fundamentalist Christians in the United States have even argued that creationism - the idea that God created all species in their current form a few hundred years ago - is a scientific theory on a par with the theory of evolution.


In 1987, the US Supreme Court declared that it was no more than thinly veiled religion.

Fixity of Species and Independent Creation: Biblical Story

Fixity of Species and Independent Creation: Biblical Story

For Hundreds of years, Christian scholars accepted (Aristotle's) theory of the fixity of species. They believed that God had created each species independently at the beginning of time, and that each species then remained exactly the same up to the present.


Genesis 2:19 And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.

[After making the animals, God asked Adam to name them all. The naming of several million species must have kept Adam busy for a while.

But theory of evolution tells us that animals were not created instantaneously from the ground, but evolved over millions of years. And we still don't have names for all of them. Ten thousand new species of insects are discovered and named each year. Check: More conflict between Bible story and evolution]

Theory of Evolution: Universal Acid

Theory of Evolution: Universal Acid

The theory of evolution threatens all these old ideas. It undermines the central claims of many religions. It seems to leave no room for God, or the soul, or life after death. Humans, it tells us, are just another kind of animal.

The American philosopher, Daniel Dennett (b. 1942), has described the theory of evolution as a kind of "Universal Acid".

Like universal acid, the theory of evolution eats through just about every traditional religious idea. This is why Dennett calls it "Darwin's Dangerous Idea".

Conflict Between God & Theory of Evolution

Source: Mukto-mona

Darwin's Dangerous Idea
Conflict Between God & Theory of Evolution

MM Collection

"Biological Evolution refutes the idea of an interested God much more decisively than physics does." - Steven Weinberg, American elementary particle physicist; Nobel Laureate of 1979.

"Even though David Hume and other philosophers had already severely battered the design argument for God's existence, only Darwin's theory of natural selection provided a fully convincing refutation of natural theology. Darwin made it possible to be an intellectually fulfilled atheist." - Richard Dawkins, The Blind Watchmaker (New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 1986)


The pictures and the article have been mainly taken from the book, 'Introducing Evolution', written by Dylan Evans & Howard Selina; Totem Books (USA) & Icon Books (UK), 2005.

Rechard Dokins lectures for Evaluation

family photo 2

Our family photo

Monday, February 9, 2009

Secular Humanist Christopher Hitchens

The pope beatifies Mother Teresa, a fanatic, a fundamentalist, and a fraud.

Mommie Dearest
The pope beatifies Mother Teresa, a fanatic, a fundamentalist, and a fraud.
By Christopher Hitchens
Posted Monday, October 20, 2003, at 1:04 PM PT

Mother Teresa: No saint

I think it was Macaulay who said that the Roman Catholic Church deserved great credit for, and owed its longevity to, its ability to handle and contain fanaticism. This rather oblique compliment belongs to a more serious age. What is so striking about the "beatification" of the woman who styled herself "Mother" Teresa is the abject surrender, on the part of the church, to the forces of showbiz, superstition, and populism.

It's the sheer tawdriness that strikes the eye first of all. It used to be that a person could not even be nominated for "beatification," the first step to "sainthood," until five years after his or her death. This was to guard against local or popular enthusiasm in the promotion of dubious characters. The pope nominated MT a year after her death in 1997. It also used to be that an apparatus of inquiry was set in train, including the scrutiny of an advocatus diaboli or "devil's advocate," to test any extraordinary claims. The pope has abolished this office and has created more instant saints than all his predecessors combined as far back as the 16th century.

Continue Article



As for the "miracle" that had to be attested, what can one say? Surely any respectable Catholic cringes with shame at the obviousness of the fakery. A Bengali woman named Monica Besra claims that a beam of light emerged from a picture of MT, which she happened to have in her home, and relieved her of a cancerous tumor. Her physician, Dr. Ranjan Mustafi, says that she didn't have a cancerous tumor in the first place and that the tubercular cyst she did have was cured by a course of prescription medicine. Was he interviewed by the Vatican's investigators? No. (As it happens, I myself was interviewed by them but only in the most perfunctory way. The procedure still does demand a show of consultation with doubters, and a show of consultation was what, in this case, it got.)

According to an uncontradicted report in the Italian paper L'Eco di Bergamo, the Vatican's secretary of state sent a letter to senior cardinals in June, asking on behalf of the pope whether they favored making MT a saint right away. The pope's clear intention has been to speed the process up in order to perform the ceremony in his own lifetime. The response was in the negative, according to Father Brian Kolodiejchuk, the Canadian priest who has acted as postulator or advocate for the "canonization." But the damage, to such integrity as the process possesses, has already been done.

During the deliberations over the Second Vatican Council, under the stewardship of Pope John XXIII, MT was to the fore in opposing all suggestions of reform. What was needed, she maintained, was more work and more faith, not doctrinal revision. Her position was ultra-reactionary and fundamentalist even in orthodox Catholic terms. Believers are indeed enjoined to abhor and eschew abortion, but they are not required to affirm that abortion is "the greatest destroyer of peace," as MT fantastically asserted to a dumbfounded audience when receiving the Nobel Peace Prize*. Believers are likewise enjoined to abhor and eschew divorce, but they are not required to insist that a ban on divorce and remarriage be a part of the state constitution, as MT demanded in a referendum in Ireland (which her side narrowly lost) in 1996. Later in that same year, she told Ladies Home Journal that she was pleased by the divorce of her friend Princess Diana, because the marriage had so obviously been an unhappy one …

This returns us to the medieval corruption of the church, which sold indulgences to the rich while preaching hellfire and continence to the poor. MT was not a friend of the poor. She was a friend of poverty. She said that suffering was a gift from God. She spent her life opposing the only known cure for poverty, which is the empowerment of women and the emancipation of them from a livestock version of compulsory reproduction. And she was a friend to the worst of the rich, taking misappropriated money from the atrocious Duvalier family in Haiti (whose rule she praised in return) and from Charles Keating of the Lincoln Savings and Loan. Where did that money, and all the other donations, go? The primitive hospice in Calcutta was as run down when she died as it always had been—she preferred California clinics when she got sick herself—and her order always refused to publish any audit. But we have her own claim that she opened 500 convents in more than a hundred countries, all bearing the name of her own order. Excuse me, but this is modesty and humility?

The rich world has a poor conscience, and many people liked to alleviate their own unease by sending money to a woman who seemed like an activist for "the poorest of the poor." People do not like to admit that they have been gulled or conned, so a vested interest in the myth was permitted to arise, and a lazy media never bothered to ask any follow-up questions. Many volunteers who went to Calcutta came back abruptly disillusioned by the stern ideology and poverty-loving practice of the "Missionaries of Charity," but they had no audience for their story. George Orwell's admonition in his essay on Gandhi—that saints should always be presumed guilty until proved innocent—was drowned in a Niagara of soft-hearted, soft-headed, and uninquiring propaganda.

One of the curses of India, as of other poor countries, is the quack medicine man, who fleeces the sufferer by promises of miraculous healing. Sunday was a great day for these parasites, who saw their crummy methods endorsed by his holiness and given a more or less free ride in the international press. Forgotten were the elementary rules of logic, that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence and that what can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence. More than that, we witnessed the elevation and consecration of extreme dogmatism, blinkered faith, and the cult of a mediocre human personality. Many more people are poor and sick because of the life of MT: Even more will be poor and sick if her example is followed. She was a fanatic, a fundamentalist, and a fraud, and a church that officially protects those who violate the innocent has given us another clear sign of where it truly stands on moral and ethical questions.

Correction, Oct. 21, 2003: This piece originally claimed that in her Nobel Peace Prize lecture, Mother Teresa called abortion and contraception the greatest threats to world peace. In that speech Mother Teresa did call abortion "the greatest destroyer of peace." But she did not much discuss contraception, except to praise "natural" family planning.(Return to corrected sentence.)

A Guide to the Qur’anic Contradictions (Part-5)


A Guide to the Qur’anic Contradictions (Part-5)
Abul Kasem
After 4th Part
Sura 12: Yusuf (Prophet Joseph)

12:19A passing caravan’s water‑drawer rescued Joseph.Contradiction: 12:20 says Joseph’s brothers sold him as a slave for a miserly price.

12:100Joseph thought Satan had created enmity between him and his brethren; Joseph’s parents and his brothers prostrated before Joseph.Contradiction: 2:255, 3:2, 3:18, 11:2, 20:98, 40:62, 40:65 say humans must prostrate (worship) only to Allah, and no one else.

12:109Allah sends revelations to men only.Contradiction: 27:82 says Allah also sends a beast as a messenger.Contradiction: 35:1 says Allah sends angels with wings as messengers.Contradiction: 6:130, 11:69, 11:77, 22:75 say Allah also sends jinns and angels as messengers.

12:111Qur’an is in detail, and confirms what went before; it is a guide and mercy to the believers; Joseph’s story is not an invented tale but a confirmation of Allah’s guide and mercy.Contradiction: 17:106, 25:32 say Allah sent the Qur’an in stages.

Sura 13: ar‑Rad (Thunder)

13:11There are guards (angels) in front and behind each person.Contradiction: 2:107, 29:22 say Allah is the only protector.

13:38Previous messengers also had wives and children; no messenger can produce a miracle without Allah’s authorization. Allah decrees every matter.Contradiction: Jesus had no wife or children.

13:39Allah removes (abrogates) what He wills, and fixes (replaces) what He wills; Allah has kept the Mother of the Book.Contradiction: 6:34, 6:115 say none can change the words of the Qur’an.

Sura 14: Ibrahim (Prophet Abraham)
14:4Allah sends His messages only in the language of His apostle’s people in order to make the message clear to them. Allah misguides whom He pleases.Contradiction: 10:35 says Allah Himself guides mankind to the truth.Contradiction: 37:147‑148 says Allah sent Yunus to hundred thousand people of Nineveh, in the region of Mosul.

Sura 15: al‑Hijr (The Rocky Tract)

15:23Allah controls life and death; He will inherit all things on earth.Contradiction: 3:189, 57:2 say Allah is the owner of all things in the heavens and in the earth.

15:26Allah created the man from sounding (i.e., burnt) clay from mud, and shaped him like a potter’s clay.Contradiction: 3:59 says Allah created Adam from dust.Contradiction: 38:71 says Allah created Adam out of wet clay.

15:29Allah completely fashioned the first man (Adam), then breathed the soul which Allah had created for him (Adam); then Allah asked the angels to bow down to a live man created by Him.Contradiction: 32:9 says Allah breathed His own (not a soul specially created) soul into Adam.

Sura 16: an‑Nahl (The Bee)

16:36Allah sent apostles to every people or community or nation.Contradiction: 29:27 says Allah gave prophet hood only to Abraham’s progeny.Contradiction: Allah says in 28:46, 32:3, 34:44, 36:6 before Muhammad, He did not send any messengers to the Arabs.

16:43Allah chooses only men (human beings) to be His messengers.Contradiction: in 11:69 Allah says he sent to Abraham angels as messengers.Contradiction: 27:82 says Allah sends a beast as a messenger.

16:49Every creature in the heavens and in earth, including the angels, prostrates to Allah and obeys Him.Contradiction: 2:34 says Iblis, the Satan, did not prostrate before Adam; he disobeyed Allah.Contradiction: 17:61 says all angels, except Iblis prostrated before Adam.

16:89On the resurrection day, Allah will appoint Muhammad as the witness of all other prophets, who were the witnesses for their respective people; Qur’an explains all things.Contradiction: 17:106, 25:32 say Allah sent the Qur’an in stages.

16:101Allah substitutes one revelation with another; Allah has the mother of the Book (the original Qur’an).Contradiction: 6:34, 6:115 says none can change the words in the Qur’an.

16:103Some people accused Muhammad of learning the Qur’an from a foreigner, but Qur’an is in pure and clear Arabic.Contradiction: 3:7 says only Allah knows the hidden meanings, and only the men of understanding will grasp the Qur’an.

Sura 17: Bani Israel (The sons of Israel) or al‑Isra (The Night Journey)

17:15Whoever does good deeds will be guided, whoever goes astray is due to his detriment; no one can bear another person’s burden. Allah does not punish a population until He sends a messenger to them.Contradiction: 11:110 says Allah intentionally created dispute about Moses’ Book.Contradiction: 16:25 says Allah will doubly punish the arrogant infidels for their unbelief and for misleading others.Contradiction: 20:129 says Allah could destroy the unbelievers instantly.Contradiction: 29:13 says unbelievers are to bear the burden of their own sins, as well as the burden of deluding others.

17:16When Allah decides to destroy a population, He warns its leaders, they indulge in insolence for a brief period, and then Allah inflicts on them an utter destruction.Contradiction: 6:131 says Allah does not destroy a city when its inhabitants are in it.

17:23Worship only Allah, and be kind to aging parents in your care; respect them and do not shout at them.Contradiction: 9:23, 29:8, 58:22 say show no love of friendship to the parents if they criticize Islam or Muhammad.

17:55Allah is discriminatory; he prefers some prophets to others.Contradiction: 4:152 says Allah makes no distinctions among prophets.

17:61Allah created Adam from clay. Commanded by Allah, all the angels prostrated to Adam except Iblis. Iblis, the Satan, was upset that Allah placed Adam superior to him.Contradiction: 16:48 says even the shadows of all objects (unbelievers included) prostrate to Allah.Contradiction: 16:49 says every creature in the heavens and in earth, including angels, prostrate only to Allah.

17:86If willed, Allah could withdraw (cancel) His revelations (Qur’an) to Muhammad. In that case, Muhammad would have no protection from Allah.Contradiction: 6:34, 6:115 say none can change the words in the Qur’an.

17:103Because Pharaoh evicted the Children of Israel (from Egypt), Allah drowned him and all his men.Contradiction: 10:92 says Allah saved Pharaoh.

17:106For easy recital, the Qur’an is divided into parts; it is revealed in stages.Contradiction: 2:185, 3:3, 12:111, 16:89, 43:4, 97:1 indicate Allah sent the ENTIRE Qur’an in one night.

17:111Allah has no children; He does not share His authority and power with anyone else; He is the only protector and helper.Contradiction: 41:31, 32 say angels are our protectors in this life and the life hereafter.Contradiction: 5:55 says Allah’s messengers are our protectors.

Sura 18: al‑Kahf (The Cave)

18:31Muslims will be in Gardens of eternity (Eden), beneath which rivers flow. Allah adorns the residents of the Gardens with bracelets (bangles) of gold, green garments, fine silk and comfortable furnishing.Contradiction: 39:73 says one garden in Islamic Paradise.Contradiction: 22:23, 35:33 say Muslims will wear bracelets/bangles of gold and pearls.

18:109An ocean of ink is not enough to write all of Allah’s words. (This means the Qur’an is not complete—Walker, p. 165.)Contradiction: 6:38 says the Qur’an is complete, nothing has been left out.

End of Part 5
To be continued in part 6.
Abul Kasem is a Bengali freethinker and is a teacher by profession. He has contributed in Leaving Islam - Apostates Speak Out and Beyond Jihad - Critical Voices from Inside. He has also written extensively on Islam in various websites and is the author of several e-Books including: A Complete Guide to Allah, Root of Terrorism ala Islamic Style, Sex and Sexuality in Islam, Who Authored the Quran? and Women in Islam. Mr. Kasem leaves in Sydney, Australia. His latest contribution is in the book Why We left Islam, edited by Susan Crimp et al. He can be contacted at and

A Guide to the Qur’anic Contradictions (Part-5)

A Guide to the Qur’anic Contradictions (Part-5)

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Friday, February 6, 2009

God's Existence and Buddhist philosophy: An Interesting Debate -2

God's Existence and Buddhist philosophy: An Interesting Debate -2
Radio Active Decay and Quantum Fluctuation- Really uncaused?
Vir Gupta Showed his doubt while I mentioned about the non-causal nature of quantum phenomena to refute the first premise of Kaläm Cosmological Argument. He responded in MM with the following statement:
Avijit, you wrote: "In the radioactive decay of an atomic nucleus, an alpha, beta, or gamma particle begins to exist spontaneously, without a cause."
I do not know from where you got the idea that radioactive decay without a cause. Radioactive decay occurs mostly due to electrostatic forces arising out of too many protons in the nucleus. There is a certain ratio of neutrons to protons is required for nucleus to be stable. Decay can also occur in some cases due to chemical environment. Please read below:
There are forces in the nucleus that oppose each other, notably the strong force holding protons and neutrons to each other and the electrostatic force of protons repelling other protons. In many arrangements of protons and neutrons the electrostatic force causes instability in the nucleus causing it to decay. It will continue to decay until it reaches a stable combination. Nearly all decay products are themselves radioactive, giving rise to decay chains which eventually end in a stable nuclide.
... ( Read more...)

Dear Vir: At first we need to know what "Causality" means scientifically. In physics, the concept that for certain pairs of events, a and b, event a must occur for event b to occur. That is, there is complete statistical correlation (100% to a zillion zeroes) between a and b and it is a direct correlation going from a to b. In that case we can say that event b has a cause. But if an event b that is not dependent on the occurrence of any previous event(s) may be said to occur without a cause. Radioactive decay is one example of such a truly spontaneous event, one that occurs without cause.
Again in other way: Radioactive decay has been described as a random phenomenon which may be characterized statistically. This phenomenon truly random (outside the traditional laws of cause and effect).
Check this link:
"[T]he energy involved in the phenomena of radioactivity...becomes manifest as an emission of rays which...occurs spontaneously without any known cause of excitation..."
-- Mme. Marie Curie, Nobel Lecture, December 11, 1911
Also Aparthib, Brent Meeker, Victor Stenger's responses could be a help for the readers:
Brent Meeker:
Victor Stenger:

Vir Gupta also sent a second feedback to my answer, where he wrote
... Buddhist principle that nothing exists without a cause is universally applicable, right from the beginning of the universe. There is no exception to this rule. .

Well Vir, your lord Buddha with no offense [:-)], I presume was not familiar with Quantum mechanics. The quantum world is quite different compared to classical world. Quantum mechanics is usually pictured as a great revolutionary break, a giant "paradigm shift", away from classical mechanics. Buddha's law, "nothing exists without a cause" which you think universally applicable, is not true for quantum world. Let me quote from Physicist Victor Stenger (Emeritus Professor of Physics and Astronomy, University of Hawaii and Adjunct Professor of Philosophy, University of Colorado) on so-called "universally applicable" Buddhist rule :
"... Perhaps it is intuitively obvious for him, but not to physicist like myself. Quantum phenomenon, such as atomic transitions and radioactive decay of nuclei, seem to happen without prior cause. In fact, the highly successful theory of quantum mechanics does not predict the occurence of these events, just their probabilities for taking place;... we have no current basis for assuming such cause exist. After all Quantum mechanics is almost a century old and has been utilized with immense success over the period, with no sign of such causes ever being found (Has Science Found God? : The Latest Results in the Search for Purpose in the Universe , pp 173)
There are some more quote from famous physicists (available in the Net) on how Quantum fluctuation works :
"In the everyday world, energy is always unalterably fixed; the law of energy conservation is a cornerstone of classical physics. But in the quantum microworld, energy can appear and disappear out of nowhere in a spontaneous and unpredictable fashion." (Prof. Paul Davies, God and the New Physics. London: J.M. Dent & Sons)
"...the idea of a First Cause sounds somewhat fishy in light of the modern theory of quantum mechanics. According to the most commonly accepted interpretation of quantum mechanics, individual subatomic particles can behave in unpredictable ways and there are numerous random, uncaused events." (Richard Morris, Achilles in the Quantum World. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1997)
The following article of Quentin Smith explains the The Uncaused Beginning of the Universe quite elaborately (a bit technical for general readers)
Buddha and some other philosophers perhaps developed their rules (before 8th century AD) based on intuition and common sense. You know what common sense is. It's the human intuition and common sense that told us that Earth was flat for centuries. Objective observation, on the other hand, tells us that Earth is round.
Wed Nov 10, 2004
It seemed my above response could not satisfy Vir completely. So he came with his arguments again...

God's Existence and Buddhist philosophy: An Interesting Debate

God's Existence and Buddhist philosophy: An Interesting Debate
Avijit Roy

The interesting discussion was initiated when M RS, one of our prominent members of Mukto-Mona sent an email to the forum on Nov 8, 2004, and asked for some feed back on his forwarded article:
The existence of God is a subject that has occupied schools of philosophy and theology for thousands of years. Most of the time, these debates have revolved around all kinds of assumptions and definitions. Philosophers will spend a lifetime arguing about the meaning of a word and never really get there. One is reminded of the college student who was asked how his philosophy class was going. He replied that they had not done much because when the teacher tried to call roll, the kids kept arguing about whether they existed or not. ... ( Read more...)
In response, I sent the following message to the forum:
Dear M RS:
The author of the article you sent made some seriously flawed assertions from scientific point of view. I'll point out some of them. But before that I suggest- you please read last part of my "Alo-Hate choliyachey Adharer Jatree" (in Bangla) carefully. Most of the points author made I did discuss in that series article of mine. Here is the link:
I have discussed the interesting topic in a more detailed manner in the printed version. The book is expected to be published next year at "ekushe-boi mela" (February Book Fair). I am not sure if there are any other Bangla books at present in the market on this topic. If I find any, I will let you know. There are some books by Dr. Ali Asghar, Dr. M Akhtaruzzaman, but those are written from academic point of view ignoring the essential philosophical discussion. Anyways, let me point out just two erroneous assertions of the author briefly. The rest you will find in the above link of my article.
The author states in his article:

...If we do exist, there are only two possible explanations as to how our existence came to be. Either we had a beginning or we did not have a beginning. The Bible says, "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth" (Genesis 1 :1). The atheist has always maintained that there was no beginning. . ...

The assumption is wrong. Atheism, by definition, is the absence of belief in the existence of God(s); it has nothing to do with beginning of universe, unlike the author's above assertion. If we look at latest findings of astrophysics, the beginning of the universe can be explained through the theological significance of Inflationary Cosmology (which has been accepted by many renowned physicists at this time) and it is as follows: it shows- how the universe might have formed out of nothing, in complete chaos (maximum entropy), and have order formed spontaneously without violating any known laws of physics. That is to say- it provides an economical explanation about the origin of the universe without creation or design hypothesis. A scientist does not investigate the origin of universe to prove "atheism" or "theism", rather he/she abides by whatever conclusions the experimental data/observations lead him to. Moreover, a Biblical God (as the author insisted quoting Biblical verse) is not required by any contemporary scientific laws/data. The author, however, while quoting a selective verse from Bible, entirely ignored that such Biblical claims as "the earth was created in just six days", and then "the creation of sun and stars", are not supported by any scientific facts or evidences [ In genesis, (1:3-5, 14-19) God creates light and separates light from darkness, and day from night, on the first day. Yet he didn't make the light producing objects such as the sun and the stars until the fourth day (1:14-19). For more details: ]

Let me clarify more precisely. That universe had a beginning through a Hot Big Bang has been supported by current cosmological data, however, such "beginning" does not require any "God". We have no miraculous "beginning" to time or the universe that requires "God's intervention". It will take some space to discuss what scientists mean by "beginning" since no absolute point in time exists in the equations of physics of Big bang. If you want to proceed, I will, however, discuss later. For now be assured that it is quite different from those religious myths and paranormal hypothesis.
The author also states in his article:

... If we know the creation has a beginning, we are faced with another logical question was the creation caused or was it not caused? The Bible states, "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." Not only does the Bible maintain that there was a cause -a creation-but it also tells us what the cause was. It was God. The atheist tells us that "matter is self-existing and not created." If matter had a beginning and yet was uncaused, one must logically maintain that something would have had to come into existence out of nothing. From empty space with no force, no matter, no energy, and no intelligence, matter would have to become existent. Even if this could happen by some strange new process unknown to science today, there is a logical problem. . . ...

The statement contains several flaws. First, the author here is using the famous Kaläm Cosmological Argument, which is normally stated as the following form:
(1) Whatever begins has a cause. (2) The universe began to exist. (3) Therefore, the universe has a cause. (4) The cause is God.
The first premise had been refuted long time ago on the basis of the non-causal nature of quantum phenomena. "Whatever begins has a cause" is not true for Quantum fluctuation. Physical bodies begin to exist all the time without cause. In the radioactive decay of an atomic nucleus, an alpha, beta, or gamma particle begins to exist spontaneously, without a cause. So, Not everything that begins has to have a cause. The uncertainty principle allows energy (which is equivalent to mass by E=mc^2) to appear spontaneously as it disappears in a short-enough time. It is a proven fact. These evidences are enough to refute author's claim.
Since the universe at the beginning of the Big Bang was as tiny as a subatomic particle (at singularity point), it could have been created with an uncaused quantum fluctuation that led to inflation which afterwards proceeded through the appearance of matter and structure. Edward Tryon was first to publish this idea in major journals in 1973. With appearance of the inflationary cosmology in 80s, several physicists developed models in which inflation is triggered by an initial quantum event. Here are some: David Atkatz and Heinz Pagels, "Origin of universe as Quantum Tunneling effect" Physical review D25 (1982): 2065-73; S.W. Hawking and I.G.Moss "Supercolled Phase Transitions in the very early Universe", Physics letters B110(1982):35-38; Alexander Vilenkin, "Creation of Universe from Nothing" Physics letters 117B (1982) 25-28, Andre Linde, "Quantum creation of the inflamatory Universe," Letter Al Nuovo Cimento 39(1984): 401-405 etc. I am not asking you to read these technical papers right now. However, they illustrate the point that serious attentions to the possibility of an uncaused origin of the universe have been paid by quite a big chunk of reputable physicists with results being published in major scientific journals. If the concept of arising universe from out of nothing, be such non-sense ,or unscientific, as alleged by the author of your article, or if they violated any laws of physics, these papers would not have been published in scientific journals.
Final objection to such argument is that it finally concludes- a “God” exists; however, if it is so, same "God" must have an origin (cause) using the rationale of the premise of such argument. This leads to an infinite regress of causes ("Gods") unacceptable to the theist, so most believers take an exception to their "God" hypothesis, saying that a "God" doesn’t need a cause. Problem is theists cannot explain why this exception rule cannot be applied to the universe itself. If a God “just is,” why can’t the universe “just be?”, as pointed out by Philosopher B. Russel and D. Hume quite long time ago.
I am a bit short of time at this moment. I will respond to other portions of the argument later if needed. In the mean time, in addition to my Bangla article, you might also want to look at a particular chapter (Chapter 6: The Uncreated Universe) from Vic Stenger's book named, "Has Science Found God? : The Latest Results in the Search for Purpose in the Universe" in which he discussed the issue somewhat more elaborately. Below is the link:
Should you desire to read some more articles of Stenger, please check out MM Authors' Index. Those are really illuminating.
Tue Nov 9, 2004
My above response stirred my old friend Vir Gupta, who has been showing his utmost devotion in Buddhist philosophy for long in many of the responses to MM. He responded back with some interesting arguments...

Has Science Found God?

Has Science Found God?
Victor J. Stenger
Published on February 13, 2007
When the results of the Cosmic Microwave Background Explorer (COBE) satellite first became public in 1992, mission scientist George Smoot remarked, "If you're religious, it's like looking at God." The media loved it. One tabloid front page showed the face of Jesus (as interpreted by medieval artists, of course) outlined on a blurry picture of the cosmos.
Reporting on the conference "Science and the Spiritual Quest" held at the Center for Theology and Science in Berkeley this summer, the July 20 cover of Newsweek announced: "Science Finds God." The several hundred scientists and theologians at the meeting were virtually unanimous in agreeing that science and religion are now converging, and what they are converging on is God. South African cosmologist and Quaker George Ellis expressed the consensus: "There is a huge amount of data supporting the existence of God. The question is how to evaluate it."
The Newsweek story noted that, "The achievements of modern science seem to contradict religion and undermine faith." However, "for a growing number of scientists, the same discoveries offer support for spirituality and hints at the very nature of God." We learn that, "Physicists have stumbled on signs that the cosmos is custom-made for life and consciousness." Big-bang cosmology, quantum mechanics, and chaos theory all are interpreted as "opening a door for God to act on the world."
Surveys, however, do not confirm the contention that "a growing number of scientists" are finding support for spirituality in their scientific studies. A recent poll of U.S. National Academy of Science members indicated only 7% believe in a personal creator, down from 15% in 1933 and 29% in 1914. If anything, most scientists seem to be moving away from spirituality rather than toward it.
Apparently, what we are hearing is not the voice of a growing majority of scientists, but the well-funded, growing voice of a decreasing minority. The Berkeley meeting was a kind of "Premise-Keepers" rally for academics seeking to keep alive their premise that God exists, while science continues to operate successfully with no need for that premise.
Stepping Over the Line
In a commentary on the Berkeley meeting, George Johnson of the New York Times noted that "religious believers seem more eager than ever to step over the line, trying to interpret scientific data to support the revealed truths of their own theology."
To most theistic believers, human life has no meaning in a universe without God. Quite sincerely and with understandable yearning for a purpose to existence, they reject that possibility. Thus only a created universe is possible, and the data can do nothing else but support this "truth."
However, good science practice demands that everything be open to question, including the premises that are used when interpreting data. While some assumptions are always present in the scientific process, all are subject to change as more powerful and economical assumptions become evident. The Premise-Keepers, pure as their motives may be, practice bad science when they confine their interpretation of scientific observations to a designer universe.
To the Premise-Keeper, the big bang provides "evidence" that creation took place in time - just as in the biblical (that is, Babylonian) myth. Something cannot come from nothing, and so the universe needs a creator. That the creator must have come from nothing is finessed away. God is a different "logical type" than the universe - a type that does not require creation. Theologians do not make clear why the universe itself cannot be of this logical type.
The Premise-Keepers recognize that they cannot prove the existence of God. They simply express the strong feeling that intelligent design is demonstrated by the very order of the universe. Unfortunately, science has little sympathy for feelings and desires no matter how sincere their intent. The universe is the way it is, regardless of what anyone might want it to be. If humanity is in fact a grain of sand in an infinite Sahara, as our telescopes increasingly indicate, then we cannot wish it otherwise. We should accept the fact and learn to live with it.
Nonbelievers recognize that they cannot prove the nonexistence of God. They simply argue that a universe without a creator is the most economical premise consistent with all the data. An uncaused, undesigned emergence of the universe from nothing violates no principle of physics. The total energy of the universe appears to be zero, so no miracle of energy created "from nothing" was required to produce it. Similarly, no miracle was needed for the appearance of order. Order can and does occur spontaneously in physical systems.
A Universe Fine-Tuned for Life
In recent years, the notion that the laws of physics are "fine-tuned" for the existence of life has caught the fancy of believing scientists and theologians alike. Indeed, probably no idea has received more attention in the latest discussions on religion and science.
The fine-tuning argument rests on a series of scientific facts called the "anthropic coincidences." Basically, they say that if the universe had appeared with slight variations in the values of its fundamental constants, that universe would not have produced the elements, such as carbon and oxygen, and other conditions necessary for life.
The fine-tuning argument assumes only one form of life is possible. But many different forms of life might still be possible with different laws and constants of physics. The main requirement seems to be that stars live long enough to produce the elements needed for life and allow time for the complex, nonlinear systems we call life to evolve. I have made some calculations in which I randomly vary the values of the physical constants by many orders of magnitude and look at the universes that would exist under those circumstances. I find that almost all combinations lead to universes, albeit some strange ones, with stars that live a billion years or more. Life of some kind would be likely in most of these possible universes.
The God of the Equations
A second, related line of argument is found in the recent dialogues. The equations of mathematics and physics are claimed to provide evidence for a Platonic order to the universe that transcends the universe of our observations.
Recent trends in Christian theology and its rapprochement with science have moved Christianity closer to a position where a deity is to be found in the order of nature as a creative entity transcending space, time, and matter responsible for that order. Indeed, the modern Western theological notion of God is probably closer to Plato's Form of the Good than the white-bearded Jehovah/Zeus on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel or the beardless Jesus/Apollo on the wall.
And here is where some scientists and theologians currently seem to find a common ground - in the idea that ultimate reality is not to be found in the quarks, atoms, rocks, trees, planets, and stars of experience and observation. Rather, reality exists in the mathematical perfection of the symbols and equations of physics. The deity then coexists with these equations in some realm or mathematical perfection beyond human observation. This God is knowable, not by his or her physical appearance before us but by its presence as that Platonic reality. We all exist in the "mind of God."
Past logical disputes over the existence of God were largely confined to philosophers and theologians. This type of purely logical discourse, in which little reference is made to observations, is largely disdained by scientists - believers and nonbelievers alike. Premise-Keeper scientists claim they are going beyond the traditional theological arguments, that they see direct evidence for intelligent design in their observations and equations.
As Paul Davies has put it: "The very fact that the universe is creative, and that the laws have permitted complex structures to emerge and develop to the point of consciousness - in other words, that the universe has organized its own self-awareness - is for me powerful evidence that there is `something going on' behind it all. The impression of design is overwhelming." Note the use of "evidence" rather than "proof" in this quotation.
Still, a Platonic God need not have anything to do with the God of the Bible, nor any other imagined deity, abstract or personal. And the equations need not actually represent a transcendent deity. True that Platonist physicists view quantum fields and spacetime metric tensors as "more real" than quarks and electrons. Materialist physicists, by contrast, think that quarks and electrons are more real than metric tensors or fields of any kind, these simply being human inventions. But the majority from both camps do not view either of these possible realities as deities. They do not see that a "miracle" was necessary for the universe and life to exist.
Still Seeking the God of the Gaps
This illustrates why the claimed convergence of science and religion does not hold up under scrutiny. Look at history. Science has always explained observations in terms of natural (that is, nonsupernatural) phenomena. Religion has always proposed supernatural explanations to fill those gaps where science provided no natural explanations, or simply remained silent. Only one domain of existence has ever been occupied in either case - the domain of human observations.
The shamans in ancient forests taught that "spirits" caused rocks to roll down a hill - until Newton said it was gravity. Priests taught that "God" created humans in his own image, until Darwin said evolution created us in the image of apes. And now we have this new breed of scientist-theologian arguing yet again that just because science cannot explain this, that, or the other thing, then we still have room for God.
We cannot explain why the constants of nature have the curious values they have, so maybe God made them so. We cannot explain the "unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics," so maybe God invented mathematics.
Maybe. But is this modern God of the gaps any more plausible than the God of the shamans and priests? Maybe one day science will fill in these gaps without the premise of God.
Victor Stenger is Professor of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Hawaii. The above article is from Free Inquiry magazine, Volume 19, Number 1.

Nobody create our Universe

The Uncreated Universe

Who are we? We find that we inhabit an insignificant planet of a humdrum star
lost in a galaxy tucked away in some forgotten corner of a universe in which there
are far more galaxies than people.
–Carl Sagan, 1983

The First Ten Microseconds
In an article in the New York Times on January 28, 2001, science reporter James Glanz
Ask a philosopher, a theologian, an artist or a composer how close
humanity is to understanding the mystery of cosmic creation, and you are
liable to get an answer that is majestic, inspiring and extremely imprecise.
Ask a physicist the same question and the answer will be much more cutand-
dried: about 10 millionths of a second.1
While he was not responding directly to Glanz, Richard Dawkins has tried to counter
the common impression, to which Glanz may have further contributed, that science has
removed all the beauty and mystery from life:
The feeling of awed wonder that science can give us is one of the highest
experiences of which the human psyche is capable. It is a deep aesthetic
passion to rank with the finest that music and poetry can deliver. It is truly
one of the things that make life worth living and it does so, if anything,
more effectively if it convinces us that the time we have for living is quite
I do not think science has to make any apologies. It looks at the world and tells it like it
is. And we all live longer, better lives because of this dispassionate view. Sure, it
commands awe and provides inspiration. Still, I would rather be operated on by a
surgeon who sees me as an assemblage of atoms than one who lovingly tries to
manipulate what he or she imagines are my vital energy fields. Dawkins himself has
been particularly eloquent in getting across the message that science does not paint a
picture of a universe that always fulfills human wishes. Indeed, it paints a more
wondrous sight that goes far beyond human fantasies and petty concerns.
Glanz was reporting on a new experiment about to commence operation at the
Brookhaven National Laboratory on Long Island in New York. Gold nuclei moving
near the speed of light were to be smashed against other gold nuclei, producing the
enormous energy densities that, according to current cosmological theory, existed
during a few microseconds after our universe began. This is made possible by the high
electric charge of the gold nucleus and the enormous electric field that develops when
two such nuclei come into near contact. Under these conditions, matter exists in a state
called the quark-gluon plasma. In a more familiar plasma,3 such as exists in the
ionosphere of Earth's atmosphere, electrons are ripped from atoms leaving behind
electrically charged nuclei and electrons. In the Brookhaven quark-gluon plasma, not
only are the original gold atoms ripped apart, but so are their nuclei and the protons
and neutrons inside these nuclei. What remains is a highly dense mixture of quarks––the
constituents of nucleons––and gluons, the particles responsible for the force between
quarks. Under normal conditions, quarks remain bound inside protons and neutrons.
However, for a small fraction of a second, the Brookhaven experiment is designed to
produce matter as it existed in the first ten microseconds.
The theory that describes the quark-gluon plasma is called quantum
chromodynamics (QCD) and is part of the wider standard model of elementary particles
and forces developed in the 1970s. This model proposes that a small number of
elementary particles (quarks and leptons) comprise the basic units of matter while the
forces between these particles result from the exchange of other elementary particles
(bosons).4 The Brookhaven experimenters will fill in further details and look for
anomalies, but so far QCD and the standard model have passed every experimental
test. The current expectation is that no new physics beyond the standard model will be
discovered until the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), now being built in Geneva,
Switzerland, at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) begins taking
data around 2006. Of course, physicists will keep looking for new physics with existing
While science continually uncovers new mysteries, it has removed much of what
was once regarded as deeply mysterious. Although we certainly do not know the exact
nature of every component of the universe, the basic principles of physics seem to
apply out to the farthest horizon visible to us today.
With powerful telescopes and other instruments, we can observe and study
galaxies billions of light-years distant. These galaxies look different from ours in several
ways; for example, they have many more young stars. Even as I write this, the media
are reporting the first results from the Chandra X-ray space telescope, which indicate
far more high-energy radiation from distant galaxies, viewed as they were billions of
years ago, than those closer by and "only" a million years or so from our own epoch.
The data offer strong support for a universe that has evolved over time, one that is not
the "firmament" implied by the Bible. Not only has life evolved, so has the universe
However, while early and distant galaxies are structurally different from the
ones nearer home, they exhibit the same basic physical processes. For example, the
spectral lines of atomic hydrogen emitted by other galaxies, near and far, are identical
to those observed in the Sun and in laboratories on Earth. They are just shifted to
longer wavelengths or lower frequencies (the "red shift") by the Doppler effect that
results from the high speeds at which the galaxies move away from us. (The Doppler
shift is the familiar experience in which the sound of an ambulance siren is higher
pitched as the ambulance rushes toward us, and then becomes lower pitched as it
moves away). Similarly, the faster a galaxy is receding from us, the farther away it gets
as time goes on. Thus, the most distant galaxies are those that are receding at the
highest speeds. Another interesting recent discovery by the Chandra X-ray telescope
provides evidence that giant black holes are likely sources of the distant X-rays that it
has detected. These deep-space X-rays were predicted to exist by the same equations
from Einstein's theory of general relativity that explain minute gravitational effects
observed in our own solar system much closer to home.
In other words, while the detailed structure of the universe has evolved over
billions of years, the basic laws of physics have not. They have apparently remained in
force as far back in time as we have been able, so far, to peer. However, while we
cannot look directly into the heart of the early universe, our existing knowledge can be
used to infer the physical processes that took place within a tiny fraction of a second
after the start of things––over ten billion years ago. This extrapolation beyond the
observable is not as unreliable a procedure as you might think. While any such
extrapolation can turn out to be wrong, science has a successful track record in applying
its established theories to new situations.
For example, we were able to send men to the Moon and get them back by
assuming that the same laws of physics applied on the Moon as on Earth. Indeed, this
may have been Newton's greatest insight––that his laws of motion and gravity applied
for the Moon falling around Earth and the apple falling off a tree. Theories of the early
universe have been precisely tested in laboratory experiments that, like Brookhaven,
mimic conditions at that time. We have no reason to think these theories should not
apply, although we must make whatever observations and checks that are possible.
The standard model, when combined with equally conventional cosmological
models, provides a picture of the early universe that is consistent with the very detailed
measurements made in recent years on the cosmic microwave background. This
radiation has long stopped interacting significantly with the other matter of the
universe, cooling off (considerably) over billions of years as a result of the universe's
expansion but remaining otherwise pristine in its structure. Observations of that
structure have beautifully corroborated the cosmological picture developed over the
last twenty years.
Evidence for the expansion of the universe was first found by Edwin Hubble in
the 1920s with his observations of the red shift of galaxies. In fact, it was Hubble who
first recognized that many (but not all) of the fuzzy "nebulae" he and other astronomers
saw in the sky were not part of the Milky Way but were separate galaxies of stars in
their own right. The detection of the cosmic microwave background by Arno Penzias
and Robert Wilson in 1965 provided the first confirmation for the big bang model in
which the universe is seen as the expanding remnant of an explosion of matter and
energy that occurred 13 billion years ago.
A number of theoretical difficulties with the big bang led to the development, in
the 1980s, of a supplementary model called inflation.5 This model proposed that the
currently observed, almost (but not quite) linear expansion was preceded by an
exponential expansion during which the universe grew by many orders of magnitude
in a time interval many orders of magnitude less than a second.
Although, as creationists will tell you, no physicist was present billions of years
ago to observe inflation, the quantitative theory had measurable implications that could
be tested. These tests were sufficiently stringent to have been capable of falsifying the
inflationary theory of the early universe. As we will see, the theory of inflation has so
far passed every test.6
Early observations indicated that the cosmic microwave background radiation
was highly uniform, with the same temperature of 2.7 degrees Kelvin being measured
in all directions. This uniformity was a puzzle and provided one of the original
motivations for proposing inflation. In the linear big bang scenario, different parts of
the sky would never have been in contact and thus unable to reach the equilibrium
indicated by these regions having the same temperature. With exponential inflation,
those regions were easily in original contact.
Still, while high uniformity is good for inflationary theory, too much uniformity
is bad. Calculations with the inflationary model indicated that the observed
temperature in different directions in space had to vary by about one part in one
hundred thousand or else galaxies would never have formed. A greater observed
uniformity would have implied that the matter to build galaxies was far too smoothly
distributed to accumulate by gravity into localized objects, such as galaxy clusters, in the
time since inflation ended.
As we learned in chapter 3, the precise quantitative variation from
uniformity that inflationary theory required was verified in 1992 by the Cosmic
Microwave Background Explorer (COBE) satellite. Recall that Christian physicist Hugh
Ross called this the "discovery of the century" since it confirmed that the universe had a
beginning and thus, in his mind, was created by a supernatural being.
Observations since 1992 have further substantiated the validity of inflationary
big bang cosmology. At this writing, a remarkable new satellite observatory called the
Microwave Anisotropy Probe (MAP ) has just been launched that will measure the
temperature to twenty millionths of a degree Kelvin in angular intervals of 0.23 degree
on the celestial sphere.7 This should lead to an even deeper understanding of the early
moments of the big bang. Many of the details of the early universe, and questions such
as the nature of the dark matter and dark energy, are very sensitive to the structure of the
microwave background.
Was the Creation of the Universe a Miracle?
People have a hard time imagining how the universe can possibly have come about by
anything other than a miracle, a violation of natural law. The intuition being expressed
here is at least twofold/ First, it is widely believed that something cannot come from
nothing, where that "something" refers to the substance of the universe––its matter and
energy––and "nothing" can be interpreted in this context as a state of zero energy and
mass. Second, it is also widely believed that the way in which the substance of the
universe seems to be structured in an orderly fashion, rather than simply being
randomly distributed, could not have happened except by design.
By the way, the universe is not as orderly as most people think. We live on a
small pocket of order, Earth, and we see stars and galaxies in the sky that exhibit what
seems to be a lot of structure. However, as we will see in more detail below, the visible
matter of the universe is only about 0.5 percent of all the matter in the universe. Much
of the rest, as best as we can tell, has little more structure than the cosmic microwave
background, which we recall is smooth to one part in a hundred thousand.
Let us look at the physics questions implied by common intuition. If we
hypothesize that the universe is an isolated or "closed" system, meaning nothing going
in and nothing coming out, then both the first and second laws of thermodynamics
would seem to have been violated when the universe, as we know it, came into
existence. The first law is equivalent to matter-energy conservation, and a reasonable
question is: Where did the current matter and energy of the universe come from?"
As best as we can tell from current observational data, the total kinetic energy
of motion exactly balanced by the negative energy of gravity. As Stephen Hawking
explains it:
There are something like ten million million million million million million
million million million million million million million million (1 with eighty zeroes
after it) particles in the region of the universe that we can observe. Where did
they all come from? The answer is that, in quantum theory, particles can be
created out of energy in the form of particle/antiparticle pairs. But that just raises
the question of where the energy came from. The answer is that the total energy
of the universe is exactly zero. The matter in the universe is made out of positive
energy. However, the matter is all attracting itself by gravity. Two pieces of
matter that are close to each other have less energy than the same two pieces a
long way apart, because you have to expend energy to separate them against
the gravitational force that is pulling them together. Thus, in a sense, the
gravitational field has negative energy. In the case of a universe that is
approximately uniform in space, one can show that this negative gravitational
energy exactly cancels the positive energy represented by the matter. So the
total energy of the universe is zero.8
Actually, Hawking is referring only to the the total kinetic and potential energies.
While these cancel, energy is still carried in the mass of particles. This is the rest energy
given by Einstein's equation E = mc2. However, in the inflationary scenario, the massenergy
of matter was produced during that rapid initial inflation. The field responsible
for inflation has negative pressure, allowing the universe to do work on itself as it
expands. This is allowed by the first law of thermodynamics. Some small amount of
energy was required to trigger inflation, but was a fluctuation allowed by quantum
In other words, NO energy from the outside was required to "create" the
universe. What is more, this is also a prediction of inflationary cosmology, which we
have seen has now been strongly supported by observations. Thus we can safely say,
No violation of energy conservation occurred if the universe grew out of an initial
void of zero energy.
Another common belief is that the formation of order by natural processes is
impossible. This is the old argument from design, which was discussed in detail in
chapter 3. Here it appears as the intuitive claim that the second law of thermodynamics
requires that the universe begin in a state of low entropy (high order) and evolve
toward a final state of ultimately maximum entropy (low order)––the so-called heat
death of the universe. Creationists have asserted that even if local order can occur
naturally, supernatural design is evident in the existence of the highest level of order,
that is, lowest entropy, at the "creation."
This argument had great weight in the nineteenth century, when the universe
was assumed to be the biblical firmament of fixed stars. However, we now know that
the universe is expanding. As shown in appendix C, treating the universe as a sphere of
radius R,9the entropy of the universe increases linearly with R. However, the maximum
allowable entropy of the universe increases with the square of R. As shown in figure
6.1, this allows increasing room for order to form locally.
This can be easily understood from the following mundane example: Suppose,
each day you empty your kitchen waste basket into your yard. Pretty soon the yard
will have no room left for trash. So you buy up the surrounding property and start
dumping there. As long as you keep that up, expanding your property perimeter, you
can always make your house more orderly by simply dumping your rubbish (entropy)
to the outside.
To make this more quantitative, and thus more precise, I once again need to get
a bit technical. The formation of order on Earth is illustrated in figure 6.2. For each
visible photon that Earth receives from the Sun, it emits twenty infrared photons back
to the universe. This is simple energy conservation. Earth is in thermal equilibrium with
a surface temperature of 300 degrees Kelvin, kept there by energy from the Sun.10 The
Sun is also in thermal equilibrium, with a surface temperature of 6,000 degrees Kelvin,
maintained by nuclear processes at its core. Both the Sun and Earth radiate a spectrum
of photon energies, but, on average, a photon emitted from the Sun is twenty times as
energetic as one from Earth since its surface temperature is twenty times higher than
Each photon can be regarded as one bit of entropy, using the units of entropy
defined by Shannon (see chapter 4). In this process, the Sun loses one bit of entropy and
Earth loses a net of nineteen bits. Thus the Sun becomes more orderly by one bit, Earth
more orderly by nineteen bits, and the rest of the universe more disorderly by twenty
bits. The local ordering of the Sun and Earth is made possible by the fact that the
maximum entropy of the universe (in figure 6.1) is much greater than its actual total
entropy, as described above, so the universe has increasing room to gain entropy as it
A simple calculation shows that more than ample room exists for the formation
of the order in all the galaxies in the universe. The photons emitted by the Earth are
absorbed by the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB), which currently has a
temperature of 3 degrees Kelvin but is not in thermal equilibrium, cooling as the
universe expands. Since Earth was formed, it has emitted about 1054 photons, thus
increasing the entropy of the CMB by that amount. However, the CMB contains about
1087 photons. If we estimate ten planets for every star, 1011 stars for every galaxy, and
1011 galaxies in the visible universe, then the ordering of those planets has increased the
entropy of the CMB by 1076, or only one part in 1011 of its total entropy.11
We can also understand this process using the information-theory language
discussed in chapter 4, where information was defined as the change in entropy in bits.
In the Earth-Sun example, the Sun gains one bit of information for every photon lost,
while Earth gains nineteen bits.
As long as the universe keeps expanding, and we now have good reason to
think that this will go on forever, we always have a place to toss out our entropy as we
organize ourselves locally. Whether we will always have sufficient energy to do this is
another question I will not address here. For now, we have enough.
The universe is now expanding, and we have no evidence that it ever underwent
a contracting phase. We can use our existing cosmological models to extrapolate back in
time to when the universe was a sphere 10-35 meter in diameter, what is called the
Planck length. The models suggest that at this time the universe was indistinguishable
from a black hole of the same size (see appendix A). Since a black hole has maximum
entropy for an object of its size, it follows that the universe had maximum entropy at
this early moment. At that time, the universe was as disorderly as it could possibly have
been. It was without order––without design. If a creator existed, any information he
may have inserted into the universe prior to that time would have been lost. Thus,
No violation of the second law of thermodynamics was required to produce the universe.
In short, no miracle, no violation of any known principles of physics, need have
occurred at the creation.12 In fact, the data are just what would be expected for a
universe that came into being without design or cause.
Fine-Tuned for You and Me
In chapter 3, I briefly mentioned the fine-tuning argument for the existence of
purposeful design in the universe. We saw that this is another of the variations that
have recently appeared on the ancient, already well refuted argument from design. The
so-called anthropic coincidences are claimed as evidence for a universe that was created
with humans in mind.
I have covered the fine-tuning claims extensively in two previous books, The
Unconscious Quantum and Timeless Reality. Here, to avoid repetition, I will only
summarize the points made there and concentrate on important new developments
from cosmology that have provided a tentative answer to one particular "coincidence,"
which, until now, has been perhaps the most puzzling of all––at least to physicists.
Most of the anthropic coincidences bear on the manufacture of carbon and other
heavy elements that occurs in stars and the time needed for life to evolve once these
elements are released into space and coalesce into planets. In the entire periodic table of
chemical elements, which one can find hanging on the wall of any chemistry classroom,
only the first three lightest elements–-hydrogen, helium, and lithium–-were produced
in the early universe. All the elements heavier than lithium, which are called "heavy
elements" in an astronomical context, were manufactured in massive stars.
Over the billions of years of the lifetime of a star, hydrogen nuclear fusion
provides its main source of energy. Once its hydrogen is used up, a star collapses and
its internal pressure rapidly increases. A less massive star, like our Sun, eventually
reaches a stable state called a white dwarf. A more massive star continues to collapse,
and heavy elements are fabricated by nuclear processes in the intense heat that
develops. At some point the immense pressure builds up to the point where the star
explodes as a supernova, spraying its matter into interstellar space and leaving a neutron
star behind. Planets composed of heavy elements can then assemble from this matter as
it is drawn together by gravity.
It has long been known that the production of carbon in stars depends
sensitively on certain parameters in nuclear reactions. If those parameters had been
slightly different, sufficient carbon may not have been available for life as we know it.
Obviously, the parameters were such as to produce sufficient carbon for life as
we know it; however, is carbon necessary for every conceivable from of life? Hugh
Ross seems to think so:
If you want physicists (or any other lifeforms), you must have carbon.
Boron and silicon are the only other elements on which complex
molecules can be based, but boron is extremely rare, and silicon can hold
together no more than about a hundred amino acids. Given the
constraints of physics and chemistry, we can reasonably assume that life
must be carbon based.13
But, conceivably, boron would not be so rare with some other set of parameters
determining the production of elements in the nuclear reactions inside of stars. And,
why must life under every circumstance be based on amino acid chemistry? Ross and
other theists seem to be blind to the possibility of forms of life other than those based
on carbon, perhaps because of the religious doctrine that we were all made in the image
of God.
From what we now know, "life" is the label we assign to a material structure that
exhibits a certain set of qualities and characteristics when those structures have reached
a high level of complexity. With the physical laws and constants of our universe, heavy12
element chemistry––not necessarily carbon-based––may be the only available platform
for life, although we can't be sure with only one form of life to study. In opening the
possibility of alternative universes with different laws and constants, we can hardly
even speculate on what other forms life might take. And, it is pure speculation to
suggest that no form of life other than our own is possible under all circumstances.
About the best we can do with existing knowledge is consider what the universe
might be like if it had the same basic physics equations but with different values of the
"constants" that go into those equations. We can use those same equations to calculate
various properties that the universe might have under those conditions.
If we limit ourselves to life based on chemistry, then one obvious property that a
universe with life must possess is a long lifetime for stars to allow life to evolve from
whatever elements may be present in the interstellar medium. In appendix B, I present
the equation for the minimum lifetime of the heavier class of stars that end their lives as
supernovae. (The Sun is not in this class, being less massive and longer-lived). Other
than arbitrary constants that simply define the units one is using, this minimum lifetime
depends on just three parameters: the strength of the electromagnetic force, a, the
mass of the proton, mp, and the mass of the electron, me. The relative strength of the
gravitational force is reflected in the mass of the proton.
I find that long lifetime stars that could make life more likely will occur over a
wide range of these parameters. For example, if we take the electron and proton
masses to be equal to their values in our universe, an electromagnetic force strength
having any value greater than its value in our universe will give a stellar lifetime of
more than 680 million years. The strong interaction strength does not enter into this
calculation. If we had an electron mass 100,000 time lower, the proton mass could be as
much as 1,000 times lower to achieve the same minimum stellar lifetime. This is hardly
fine tuning.
Of course, many more constants are needed to fill in the details of our universe.
And our universe might have had different physical laws. We have little idea what
those laws might be; all we know are the laws we have. Still, varying the constants that
go into our familiar equations will give many universes that do not look a bit like ours.
The gross properties of our universe are determined by these four constants, and we
can vary them to see what a universe might grossly look like with different values of
these constants.
I have examined the distribution of stellar lifetimes for 100 simulated universes in
which the values of the four parameters were generated randomly from a range five
orders of magnitude above to five orders of magnitude below their values in our
universe, that is, over a total range of ten orders of magnitude.14 While a few are low,
most are high enough to allow time for stellar evolution and heavy element
nucleosynthesis. Over half the universes have stars that live at least a billion years. Long
stellar lifetime is not the only requirement for life, but it certainly is not an unusual
property of universes.
I do not dispute that life as we know it would not exist if any one of several of the
constants of physics were just slightly different. Additionally, I cannot prove that some
other form of life is feasible with a different set of constants. But anyone who insists
that our form of life is the only one conceivable is making a claim based on no evidence
and no theory.
The Quintessence of Dust
While the topic is also somewhat technical, I think it is worthwhile to single out for
additional discussion the one anthropic coincidence that is found to be the most
puzzling and the most difficult to explain. It is one of the prime examples used by Ross
and other theists when they promote the fine-tuning argument for the existence of
God. This is what is known as the cosmological-constant problem.
When Einstein formulated general relativity around 1915, his equation for the
curvature of space at a given point contained a constant term that was not constrained
to any particular value. This was the cosmological constant. When positive in value, it
provides for an effective gravitational repulsion. At first, Einstein included this term to
balance the more familiar attractive gravitation to provide for the stable firmament of
stars that was assumed at the time. When, a few years later, Hubble discovered that the
universe was expanding, Einstein dropped this term from his equations, calling it his
"greatest blunder." Actually, his greatest blunder was calling this a blunder.
The cosmological constant is often referred to as a "fudge factor," the implication
being that it was something Einstein arbitrarily stuck into his equations to get an
answer he wanted. This is somewhat misleading. The constant is required by those
equations unless additional assumptions are made to rule it out. So, Occam's razor,
which is a logical tool for determining the minimum requirements of an explanation,
would require that the cosmological constant be included unless the data indicate
otherwise. No fundamental basis in established physics has yet been found for taking
the cosmological constant to be identically zero, although it is predicted to be zero by a
principle called supersymmetry that many physicists think is a fundamental symmetry in
nature. Until very recently, observational data indicated that the cosmological constant
was very close to zero, and so this was what was assumed.
Cosmologists began to talk about a nonzero cosmological constant again in the
1980s, with the introduction of inflationary cosmology. An exponential expansion of the
early universe was seen to follow from Einstein's equations in the absence of matter or
radiation, with the curvature of space given by the cosmological constant.
More recently, unexpected evidence of the apparent current accelerating
expansion of the universe has come from two independent studies of distant
supernovae.15 A nonzero cosmological constant has been considered as a possible
explanation for this finding. Although this interpretation of the data is still preliminary
at this writing, the universe today appears to be undergoing another round of
inflation––much slower than the first.
Current observations indicate that the mass/energy of the universe is shared
among its various components as shown in Table 5.1.16
Table 5.1. The Energy Budget of the Universe
Radiation 0.005 %
Ordinary visible matter 0.5 %
Ordinary nonluminous matter 3.5 %
Exotic dark matter 26 %
Even-more-exotic dark energy 70 %
Neither the dark matter nor the dark energy has yet been identified. The existence of
dark matter has been known about for some time, detected indirectly by its
gravitational effect on the behavior of visible bodies such as stars. In just the past few
years, however, the data have become good enough to determine that the amount of
dark matter is insufficient to flatten the universe.
A geometrically flat or Euclidean universe is required by the inflationary model,
which we can easily see as follows: The universe expanded by many orders of
magnitude during inflation. After inflation, the space within our visible horizon is like a
tiny patch on the surface of a balloon that has been blown up to a huge size. That patch
will be very flat.
With observations in the mid-1990s indicating insufficient dark matter to flatten
the universe, it was beginning to appear that the inflationary model might be wrong.
This proved a real puzzle for cosmologists because the independent data coming in on
the cosmic microwave background was providing increased support for the flat
universe predicted by inflation.
Inflationary cosmologists have been rescued by the observed accelerating
expansion and the inferred dark energy, which seems to be just sufficient to give a flat
universe. Yet another gap for God to act in may have been closed. Read on, and we
might be able to close one more.
What could this new dark energy possibly be? One possibility is that it is the
result of a residual cosmological constant left over from the end of inflation. However,
the prospect of a nonzero cosmological constant leads to an enormous difficulty that
was recognized well before these latest observational developments. The cosmologicalconstant
term in Einstein's equation is equivalent to a field with negative pressure and
positive, constant energy density. As the universe expands, the total energy contained
in the cosmological term will increase. In the time since the end of inflation, during the
almost-linear big-bang expansion, the cosmological energy would have increased by
something like 120 orders of magnitude.
Currently, 13 billion years later, the dark energy is of the same order of
magnitude as the other main components in table 5.1. This implies that it was "finetuned"
at the end of inflation to be 120 orders of magnitude below what it is now. If, for
example, the dark energy was just a hair larger at the end of inflation, that energy
would be so great today that space would be highly curved, and the stars and planets
could not exist.
This fact has not been lost on those theists, such as Ross, who see the hand of
God in assuring that life, as we know it, could exist by fine-tuning the cosmological
constant. However, recent theoretical work has offered a possible explanation for a
nondivine solution to the cosmological-constant problem.
Several theoretical physicists have proposed models in which the dark energy is
not the result of a cosmological constant at all but rather a dynamical energy field that
does not have constant energy density. As a result, it evolves along with the other
matter/energy fields of the universe and so need not be fine-tuned. The proposed field
has been given the grand name of quintessence, after Aristotle's aether. In these models,
the cosmological constant is exactly zero, as predicted from supersymmetry. Since zero
multiplied by 10120 is still zero, we have no cosmological-constant problem in this case.
While the work on quintessence is highly preliminary and may not turn out to
provide a viable explanation for the cosmological-constant problem, it is sufficiently
interesting to mention at this juncture. If nothing else, it demonstrates that science is
always at work trying to solve its puzzles. Furthermore, history shows that it has, so
far, always succeeded in doing so within a materialistic framework. The assertion that
God can be seen by virtue of his acts of cosmological-fine tuning, like intelligent design
and all the earlier versions of the argument from design, is nothing more than yet
another variation on the same old God-of-the-gaps argument. These rely on the faint
hope that scientists will never be able to find an explanation for one or more of the
puzzles that currently have them scratching their heads and will have to insert God into
the remaining gaps.
1. James Glanz, "Bang, You're Alive! On the verge of Re-Creating Creation. Then
What?" New York Times Week in Review January 28, 2001.
2. Richard Dawkins, Unweaving the Rainbow: Science, Delusion and the Appetite for
Wonder (Boston, New York: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1998), p. x.
3. The term plasma in physics refers to an ionized gas and is not to be confused
with blood plasma.
4. For my narrative of the development and significance of these theories, see
Victor J. Stenger, Timeless Reality: Symmetry, Simplicity, and Multiple Universes
(Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books, 2000).
5. While physicist Alan Guth is usually given the primary credit for the idea of
inflation, A. Guth, "Inflationary Universe: A Possible Solution to the Horizon and
Flatness Problems," Physical Review D23 (1981): 347-56, several other physicists
had come up with it at about the same time: D. Kazanas, "Dynamics of the
Universe and Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking," Astrophysical Journal 241 (1980):
L59-63; Andre Linde, "A New Inflationary Universe Scenario: A Possible Solution
of the Horizon, Flatness, Homogeneity, Isotropy, and Primordial Monopole
Problems," Physics Letters 108B (1982): 389-92. Nevertheless, Guth's book, The
Inflationary Universe (New York: Addison-Wesley, 1997), is a good place to learn
about inflation.
6. Recently, an alternative to inflation has been proposed called "the ekpyrotic
universe," Justin Khoury, Burt A. Ovrut, Paul J. Steinhardt, and Neil Turok, "The
Ekpyrotic Universe: Colliding Branes and the Origin of the Hot Big Bang,"
Physical Review D64: 123522 (2001). While current data cannot distinguish
between the two models, the authors propose that future measurements of the
polarization of the cosmic microwave background and gravitational waves
should do so. We will have to wait and see. It should be noted that some of the
existing observations that this new theory explains were built into its
formulation, whereas in the case of the inflationary model, they were part of its
7. Charles L. Bennett, Gary F. Hinshaw, and Lyman Page, "A Cosmic
Cartographer," Scientific American (January 2001): 44-45.
8. Stephen W. Hawking, A Brief History of Time: From the Big Bang to Black Holes
(New York: Bantam, 1988), p. 129.
9. For general relativity purists, R here is the scale factor of the universe. Also, I
should note that both Hawking and I have oversimplified the question of the
total energy of the universe from the purist's standpoint. However, the basic
conclusion that zero energy was required to produce the universe is unchanged
by a more sophisticated analysis.
10. The radioactivity of Earth also contributes to its temperature. In fact, life, as we
know it, would not be possible without this added heat. I am neglecting this here
for simplicity's sake, since this does not change the conclusion.
11. Since the CMB is not in thermal equilibrium, the photons it receives from stars
and planets can go to increasing its temperature (although, as I have shown, this
is negligible) and does not have to be reabsorbed by stars and planets. The CMB
photons that are absorbed by Earth do not appreciably increase the entropy of
12. For example, the universe has a zero value of linear momentum, angular
momentum, electric charge, and any of the other quantities that physics says are
conserved, that is, neither created nor destroyed in physical processes.
13. Hugh Ross, The Creator and the Cosmos: How the Greatest Scientific Discoveries of the
Century Reveal God (Colorado Springs: Navpress, 1995), p. 133.
14. Victor J. Stenger, "Natural Explanations for the Anthropic Coincidences," Philo 3 (2000):
15. A Reiss, et al. "Observational Evidence from Supernovae for an Accelerating
Universe and a Cosmological Constant," Astronomical Journal 116: 1009-38 (1998);
S. Perlmutter, et al., "Measurements of Omega and Lambda from 42 High-
Redshift Supernovae," Astrophysical Journal 517: 565-86 (1999).
16. Jeremiah P. Ostriker and Pail J. Steinhardt, "The Quintessential Universe,"
Scientific American (January, 2001):46-53.