Wednesday, February 25, 2009

So Called Scientific Creationism

Source: Mukto-mona

Despite the overwhelming evidences showing that life on earth has evolved gradually over millions of years, there are still many people who do not accept theory of evolution. In the United States of America, for example, about a quarter of the population still believe in the literal truth of the creation story told in the book of Genesis.

Some fundamentalist Christians in the United States have even argued that creationism - the idea that God created all species in their current form a few hundred years ago - is a scientific theory on a par with the theory of evolution.


In 1987, the US Supreme Court declared that it was no more than thinly veiled religion.

Fixity of Species and Independent Creation: Biblical Story

Fixity of Species and Independent Creation: Biblical Story

For Hundreds of years, Christian scholars accepted (Aristotle's) theory of the fixity of species. They believed that God had created each species independently at the beginning of time, and that each species then remained exactly the same up to the present.


Genesis 2:19 And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.

[After making the animals, God asked Adam to name them all. The naming of several million species must have kept Adam busy for a while.

But theory of evolution tells us that animals were not created instantaneously from the ground, but evolved over millions of years. And we still don't have names for all of them. Ten thousand new species of insects are discovered and named each year. Check: More conflict between Bible story and evolution]

Theory of Evolution: Universal Acid

Theory of Evolution: Universal Acid

The theory of evolution threatens all these old ideas. It undermines the central claims of many religions. It seems to leave no room for God, or the soul, or life after death. Humans, it tells us, are just another kind of animal.

The American philosopher, Daniel Dennett (b. 1942), has described the theory of evolution as a kind of "Universal Acid".

Like universal acid, the theory of evolution eats through just about every traditional religious idea. This is why Dennett calls it "Darwin's Dangerous Idea".

Conflict Between God & Theory of Evolution

Source: Mukto-mona

Darwin's Dangerous Idea
Conflict Between God & Theory of Evolution

MM Collection

"Biological Evolution refutes the idea of an interested God much more decisively than physics does." - Steven Weinberg, American elementary particle physicist; Nobel Laureate of 1979.

"Even though David Hume and other philosophers had already severely battered the design argument for God's existence, only Darwin's theory of natural selection provided a fully convincing refutation of natural theology. Darwin made it possible to be an intellectually fulfilled atheist." - Richard Dawkins, The Blind Watchmaker (New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 1986)


The pictures and the article have been mainly taken from the book, 'Introducing Evolution', written by Dylan Evans & Howard Selina; Totem Books (USA) & Icon Books (UK), 2005.

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